我最近去過嘉義市拍一些照片。 這是一些我喜歡的。
我最近去過嘉義市拍一些照片。 這是一些我喜歡的。
I do not know exactly why photography has always fascinated me so much. There is something about a photo that attracts my attention intensely. Nevertheless my interest in the medium has generated a curious side-effect. I am slowly creating “stacks” of digital prints. I am slowly creating a record of my life, a record of the things that my eyes and my lens has seen.
I believe it was New York photographer Joel Meyerowitz that discussed going into Garry Winogrands apartment and just seeing stacks of photos all over the place. Photography creates stacks of moments, memories, and historical records all defined within the limits of a sheet of paper, or a screen. There really is a certain magic about it that is hard to define.
Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama, has referred to the idea of taking photos as seductive. I cannot help but agree. There is just such a beauty about recording life's beauty, sadness, specialties and mundane moments through the glass elements of a camera lens. It is like a connection between the now moment, and the eternal.
So what is photography really all about? As photographers we capture the magic and wonder of the world through the lens of a camera. We leave behind as a legacy, stacks of images, beautiful, ugly, joyous, and melancholy, that represent the world we found, the world we once knew, the world of the past preserved for the world of tomorrow.
Chinese New Year celebration - Chinatown, New York, 2008
Taipei, Taiwan - 2005
New York, New York 2009
Times Square, New York 2005
Taiwan 2009
Queens, New York - Summer 2006
Taipei New Year's Eve 2009/2010
Oklahoma Panhandle - Summer 2003
這張我是從火車的窗戶拍的。 這張很多我喜歡的方面。
Taiwan 2011
I love this photo for so many reasons. It reminds me of many of the things that I really love in this world. I love Chinatown, and I have great memories attached to it, including the day that I made this. Furthermore, the statues in this photo are figures that I often come across in my travels. I often see these same statues in the temples of Taiwan, so far away from New York's Chinatown.
For me, there is something absolutely wonderful about being out at night with a camera. The photos we make are not always perfect, but I love them. I love all that character added by the imperfections. Garry Winogrand was famous for saying, "I take photographs to see how something looks in a photograph." Although he was not a big night photographer, for myself, I find that the wonder of taking photos and seeing what makes each one special is amplified at night.
What makes the night so magical, so wonderful, is the mystery. I find that it is very easy to focus on what you are photographing at night, because so much is shrouded in darkness. It is kind of like life in the way that we have something on our mind for a period of time, and while that is the case, so much else seems to just fade away. Night brings us face to face with many sights and sounds, some new and some old, but they are fleeting things like the moments in life. Sometimes we return to them later or sometimes we do not. Our choices determine which elements are available to us, and which recede back into the darkness, and out of our world for a period of time.
I came across this friendly cat during my travels. I snapped this photo of him, and moments later he was gone.
我在鹿港的巷子看到了這支貓。 他真是很開心很友善的貓。 我拍了這張以後他就很快離開。 我喜歡這張的顔色。
A taxi drives through Greenwich Village at almost 2am on an April night in New York City. Photo was made in 2009. 紐約的計程車2009年。
Greenwich Village is an interesting place to make photos. Its old streets while bustling during the day give way to a sense of mystery at night. It is kind of nice to think back to all the stories that were played out on those streets, by so many of the people that walked them before us.
This is one of the reasons that I really enjoy taking photos of "older" places. They bring with them a sense of history. They were special places to so many of those that lived or visited there before us. They will hopefully, always be special.