There is beauty all around us, if we only look deep enough. Often times I find myself visiting places that perhaps are not obviously interesting or beautiful. Yet, it is my experience that as I begin to pay attention to detail, I then can begin to discern beauty in subtlety.
Photographic opportunity abounds in special scenic spots or places of interests. Yet there is a certain reward in being able to extract beauty from the simple details in everyday places. Through such extraction, one may inspire his or her own artistic creativity, or at the very least gain a certain sense of serenity or joy from such an endeavor.
Perhaps for myself, an attention to detail is born from the fact that I am often times a stranger in a strange land. Although am not really certain as to the reason, I do enjoy appreciating the subtleties that I come across these days.
We can find beauty in things overlooked, or things long forgotten. They are just as important as the grandiose objects that immediately catch our attention. For what is the sake of praising a single object of beauty from time to time, while turning a blind eye to the endless subtlety that makes the world such an amazing place?